I read it all the time in the blogosphere. Some say "Clinton's lead in national trial heats is only a function of name recognition." "She has already hit her peak, and can only go downward from here," others croon. Another frequent mantra is that "her lead at this point in the campaign is the same thing as Lieberman's lead at this point in the 2004 campaign." Occasionally, even some actual evidence, usually in the form of a single poll, is trotted out to support thee claims. While what I am about to write will invariably result in several people calling me a Hillary supporter and / or a wholly owned subsidiary of the DLC, as someone who closely watches polls and can't stand the perpetuation of political narratives based on faulty numbers, even in the blogosphere, I simply have to call bullshit.
Anyone currently dismissing Clinton's massive national trial heat advantage as a figment of name recognition is simply not familiar either with the totality of current national poll numbers or with the numbers from this point in the campaign four years ago. If you think all other candidates need to do is introduce themselves, then you are just wrong. If you think this is the same thing as Lieberman's lead in early 2003, then you have seriously underestimated the task facing virtually all non-Clinton candidates. While not insurmountable, Clinton's national lead over everyone not named Obama is far more significant than Lieberman's lead was in early 2003, and as such will be far more difficult for other candidates to overcome.
Poll analysis follows...
http://www.mydd.com/story/2007/1/30/181044/219NewDonkey responds...
Over at MyDD today, Chris Bowers goes on an endearing tirade about netroots denial of Hillary Clinton's current strength in the polls; apparently he's hearing a lot of talk that HRC is in the same position as Joe Lieberman was at this stage in the last cycle, and he demolishes that talk pretty effectively.
But by way of introduction, Chris says: "What I am about to write will invariably result in several people calling me a Hillary supporter and / or a wholly owned subsidiary of the DLC...."
I've got your back on this one, Chris. I know enough about the DLC to warrant convincingly that you aren't owned, rented, or even occasionally suborned by that organization.
I don't always agree with Chris Bowers (the subject of Democrats and religion being one topic of frequent disagreement), but do admire his stubborn, reality-based determination to follow actual evidence of political trends, even if they don't conveniently fit into his own, or his colleagues', preferred "memes." I hope that I can occasionally make the same claim when my own colleagues look sideways at polls and see what they want to see.
There is, in the end, this thing called Objective Reality, and if any of us diverge from it too far in order to grind factional or ideological axes, we do so at our peril.