Molly's Ivans' last 2 pieces are strong and some of her best.
Sadly it looks like her days and hours are numbered and she wants to pass on in
her own house instead of a hospital. She wants no more cards or flowers
but for us to work as a country to stop our involvement in Iraq. Exit is Up to Us
The president of the United States does not have the sense God gave a duck --
so it's up to us. You and me, Bubba. Up Against the Surge
The purpose of this old-fashioned newspaper crusade to stop the war is not to make George W. Bush
look like the dumbest president ever. People have done dumber things. What were they thinking when
they bought into the Bay of Pigs fiasco? How dumb was the Egypt-Suez war? How massively stupid was
the entire war in Vietnam? Even at that, the challenge with this misbegotten adventure is that WE simply
cannot let it continue.
Molly :loveya: Ivins