We fought the good fight, but in going forth to battle we knew that the good guys don't always win.
That doesn't mean all of what we have done here, today, has been a waste.
Bush is still in office. He still is in the White House. In AL GORE'S House. In OUR House. In the PEOPLE'S House.
And I, for one, will NOT stand for it!!!
Wes Clark ran because he did NOT want to see Bush running this country. He may not be the man to take him on directly in November anymore, but that does NOT mean we just drop the banner on the field of battle and leave it lying in the mud and dust and blood!
We fought hard for him, not just because we believe in him, but because we saw him as the BEST man not just to beat Bush but to run the country.
I will work for no other candidate than Clark, but I will do this.
I will not rest until Bush is out of our House.
I will not surrender until the power of the PEOPLE is restored to this land.
And I, for one, will NOT stop fighting to beat George W. Bush in a free and fair election!
Do as you, but I ask of you now, do NOT let General Clark's mission fall on the wayside!
Take the fight to George W. Bush!!! Show him and his cronies no mercy!!! Give them hell and then some at EVERY turn!!!
Our candidate may be out of the fight, but we can STILL fight the fight that he wanted to lead!
I know not about the rest of you, but I will do EVERYTHING I possibly can to BEAT GEORGE W. BUSH AND RESTORE THE RULE OF LAW TO THIS DIVIDED LAND!!!