(I posted this on the goodnight thread but wanted to make a separate thread, too.)
Dedicated to my fellow Clark Supporters, who've I've come to know and love as much as the General himself. It has been a real pleasure to be in the same league with such a wonderful group of people. Thank you for always making me smile even in the worst of times and always making me proud to be a Clark supporter.
:grouphug: :grouphug: :cry: :cry:
Also many thanks to other DU'ers who've offered such nice words to us tonight. It's really appreciated.
Here's a poem by the General's favorite poet, Pablo Neruda.
You are the product of your self
Don’t blame anyone, never complain about anyone or anything Because fundamentally you have made what you want in life, accept the responsibility of educating yourself and the courage to accuse yourself of failure.
The triumph of the truthful (real) man rises from the ashes of error.
Never complain about your poverty, your loneliness, or your luck take courage and accept, that in one way or another they are the result of your actions and the evidence of what has to be overcome.
Do not be embittered by your own development nor impose it on another accept yourself now; or you will forever continue to justify yourself like a child remember that any moment is good for beginning and that nothing is as terrible as to be untrue to one’s professed principles (to halt)
Do not forget that the cause of your present is your past just as the cause of your future is your present.
Learn from the strong ones, from the bold ones, imitate the brave ones, the lively ones, the victors, those who do not accept situations thosa who overcome in spite of everything.
Think less about your problems and more about your work and your problems, without nourishment, will die.
Learn to be born from pain and to be greater than the greatest obstacles look in the mirror at yourself and you will be free and strong and you will cease to be a puppet of circumstances because you yourself are your destiny and noone can replace you in the building of your own future.
Wake up in the mornings to see and to breathe the light of dawn you are part of the life force now wake up, struggle ahead and make up your mind and you will triumph in life.
Never think about luck Because luck is the excuse of the failures.
========================================================== Tú eres el resultado de ti mismo
No culpes a nadie, nunca te quejes de nadie ni de nada porque fundamentalmente tú has hecho lo que quieres en la vida, acepta la responsabilidad de edificarte a ti mismo y el valor de acusarte a ti mismo de fracaso.
El triunfo del verdadero hombre surge de las cenizas del error.
Nunca te quejes de tu pobreza, tu soledad o tu suerte emprende con valor y acepta, que de una u otra manera son el resulto de tus actos y la prueba de que hay que ganar.
No te amargues con tu propio proceso ni se lo cargues a otro acéptate ahora; o siempre seguirás justificándote como un niño recuerda que cualquier momento es bueno para comenzar y que ninguno es tan terrible como claudicar.
No olvides que la causa de tu presente es tu pasado como la causa de tu futuro es tu presente.
Aprende de los fuertes, de los audaces, imita a los valientes, enérgicos, a los vencedores, a quienes no aceptan situaciones a quienes vencieron a pesar de todo.
Piensa menos en tus problemas y más en tu trabajo y tus problemas, sin alimentarios, morirán.
Aprende a nacer del dolor y a ser más grande que el más grande de los obstáculos mirate al espejo de ti mismo y serás libre y fuerte y dejarás de ser un títere de las circunstancias porque tú mismo eres tu destino y nadie puede sustituirte la construcción de tu propio futuro.
Levántate a mirar por las mañanas y respirar la luz del amanecer tú eres parte de la fuerza de la vida ahora despierta, lucha camina y decídete y triunfarás en la vida.
Nunca pienses en la suerte porque la suerte es el pretexto de los fracasados. Pablo Neruda