I always wanted a white Clark 2004 Button. I didn't want to buy just one from the Dem store and I figured that I would find one among other Clarkies in Chicago. Sadly, that never happened. Everyone had the classic blue, or different variations, but no white buttons.
Well during the campaign, I got my mom to switch from Kerry to Clark. She went to a Clark meetup, passed out Clark literature, and was looking forward to Clark coming to her town on Thursday. She lives in Appleton, WI. Well she sent me a package today that I didn't bother to open to until now. I opened it and my mom had sent me some ginger bread cookies, some Clark literature from the Wisconsin Green Bay Office and you guessed it, a Clark white button. God this button in front of me is beautiful.
As I type this and my eyes fill up with tears, I know that I will always remember my time working on the Clark campaign. He inspired me to believe that leaders can really make a difference. He wasn't running for President because he wanted to advance his campaign, or make more money, or become famous. He had already had a taste of all three. He was running for president because he was sick and tired of seeing where this country was headed and he thought he could change it. I thought he could change it, I knew he could change and thousands of others knew he could to. Reading some of the posts you might think that Wesley is gone forever, off to another country. I know that as an American our man will be there wherever anyone calls on him for advice, counsel, or God Bless them, a tap for a position in government. It was great to meet other Clark supporters, we truly are a dedicated bunch scrapped together from all different walks of life. It is time for Clark, myself and the rest of his supporters to move on now. I know I personally will have more time to give to school, friends, my girlfriend (who I was going to ditch on Valentine's day to go to Wisconsin to campaign) and my career. While I'm certainly not glad to see Clark go, it will be nice to have all that free time I used to educate people about Wesley Clark. My only regret is that the people I educated about Clark will not receive the same education I got about life from the Clark campaigning. Thank you to Wesley Clark, the Draft Clark movement, and all other Clark supporters. This white button in front of me does not represent some cheap souvenir from a campaign gone bust. Rather this new shiny white button represents a new hope in a better tomorrow. Thanks for the life lesson Wesley, I owe you one.