Thank you, Wes.
I think back now to the phone lists, and the signs, and the hope in my heart when the polls showed positive news. I think back to the bitter cold of New Hampshire, when we stood for hours on the street corners, and for hours at the polls on Election Day, hoping those signs and placards would bring the uncommitted our way. I remember the glee we felt when the Keene Ward 5 results came in, and we got third place. We hugged each other in the warmth of a church, and rushed back to a cramped office full of life and smiles.
It is over for us now, as the voters did not see what I saw. From the first time I saw you, thinking of running for President, I saw political hope come back to me. You would listen to those who asked you once again to serve, and you of course would respond, not out of vanity, but out of love. Love for this country, and respect for her beliefs. You would run because you truly believed it was your duty to do so, and you would give everything you had, lest you disappoint even one person. You would be beholden to no one, and there would be no handlers shaping your message predicated on what the electoral map looked like at any given moment. You would speak from your heart, for that is all you know how to do.
How I wish the results were different today. How I wish the chance would still be here for you to look into the eyes and souls of America and speak from the heart once again. Maybe this time they would see the steel resolve, the humble honor, and the quiet dignity that I see at every turn. Maybe those whose control what we hear and read would let your message come through unfiltered, without the caustic spin that they so easily disgorge, all the while patting their own backs for their political wisdom given to them each day off a teleprompter. Maybe, for once, honesty would win out.
We shall now turn our hopes towards another, but we will keep you in our hearts all the while. Perhaps the chosen one will look to you for support and guidance – if so I know you will be there for him. Perhaps, if he is wise, he will make you a part of the next great Democratic administration, where we will watch you shine. Perhaps, if all goes well, we will watch your name be entered into nomination a scant eight years from now, and we will watch as you get the chance to lead this nation. There will be many of us watching then, all beaming with pride and trying to not to cry.
I am doing poorly at that now, as the tears of what could have been are copious. The tears are for everyone in America who you could not reach, and for everyone who could not see. How we wish we could have taken them to you, one by one, and let them see what America could become. We tried as best we could, but you could not get the coveted media darling endorsement, and we never could roll the rock to the mountaintop. The cynics amongst us say that this is the game we play, and that those who falter did not have the strength left to continue the fight. They are wrong, and we know it. Soldiers do not lack strength, nor character. Sometimes, however, the rules change, and honor on the field is replaced by dishonor behind it. You could not play in such a disgraced arena, and sadly the will to clean it up is still nowhere to be found.
I am not a religious man, Wes, but I know you are, so I say this for you. May God bless you with everything you deserve, and may He shine His blessings on you for as long as you have life on this earth. It was an honor to work on your behalf, and should fortune allow you another chance at leading this nation I shall be honored to do so again. I speak for everyone who worked so long and hard on your behalf when I say it was truly special. You and Gert gave us hope in the face of despair, truth in the face of dishonesty, and most importantly a reason to believe in America once again. Live your life now with joy, amongst family and friends. Watch your grandchild grow, and spend time with those you love, for you deserve nothing less. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for everything, and if you are asked at some point down the road to enter the arena again, it will not be hard to find us.
We are all around you.