From: all current and FUTURE members:
It's 6:30 a.m., feelings still too raw to be objective, other
than a deep and profound sense of gratitude to Wesley Clark for his
courage, conviction, sacrifice, and vision given to America in this
campaign. I hope that you will keep them foremost in your hearts and
minds in the days and months to come, and remember that none of our
hopes can become reality without the REMOVAL OF BUSHCORP and its PNAC
New World Order. Let us lick our wounds, regroup, and remind
ourselves of the absolute need to oust the Junta in November.
Please DO NOT LEAVE this Group now! If you haven't joined, click the link below, join, and check out the hundreds of bushCorp-bashing images, posters, cartoons, and satire in "FILES" and "PHOTOS" sections, and the powerful "LINKS" section already there. The Group's name and format will no doubt change to reflect its burning goal of eliminating the BFEE bund. At the very least, I will be
organizing and posting links to every website, article, and expose
possible to assist in ending the current reign of outrage. It may
take me several days, but I guarantee you that when finished you will
have an A to Z arsenal of ammunition to assualt these criminal
thieves and take our country and planet back. Thanks to all of
you for sharing in this Group and for your dedicated support of a
unique candidate whose time of victory may yet come in future years.
Joe (bundbuster), moderator -