As you may or may not know, I usually try to avoid this forum like the plague.
But, there was an interesting post by longtime absentee / ComerPerro's favorite ranter, MoPaul, in GD that was locked because it was assuming a Kerry vs. Bush election.
Anyway, I thought it was a good post and if it is to be read and discussed it will have to be in here.
So, without further ado:

newsmax, the right wing nazi news site is carrying this photo of an anti war rally from 1970, saying that it outrages veterans from the Viet Nam war. Kerry spoke against the war that day, as I'm sure did Jane Fonda. How the right loves to demonize Fonda and call her a traitor and a commie and everything else. These days, Jane has given up all her previous anti government anger and has become a born again Christian of all things. So you can drop the traitor stuff.
And so what if Kerry protested the Viet Nam war? The whole thing sucked, untold thousands died, and it was a huge embarrassment.
A true patriot is not wrong to protest that which he thinks his government is doing wrong. It's patriotic to protest. Sure, I love America, but it's not unpatriotic to criticize it or try to improve it. There's lots of room for improvement, and 'my country right or wrong' is just a stupid mantra and philosophy.
The closer Kerry gets to the election, the harder the rabid right rushpuppies will squeal that Kerry is a 'traitor' because he protested the war in Viet Nam. AT LEAST HE WAS THERE, AND TOOK THE HITS AND DID HIS DUTY, unlike certain chickenhawks we could mention.
If Kerry was there, he has a right to complain and protest America's imperialism. Just because you protest against a stupid war, does not make one a traitor, and we need to spit it right back in the faces of those who think otherwise.
I look forward to a live debate between Kerry and shitforbrains, and to the inevitable moderator question about aWol's less than stellar time in the military. It CANNOT be proven that Kerry was a traitor, but IT CAN BE PROVED that w was a deserter and cocaine monster.
Jane Fonda Schmonda.....screw newsmax and all other nazis. It's time to fight back against this type of slander and hatred of liberals and war protesters. We are Americans too, so if you don't like war protesters, go to a country where they don't allow that type of thing.
As I said, this is MoPaul, not me.
My way of kicking.