Edited on Wed Feb-11-04 11:32 AM by Armstead
There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the media. They pumped up Dean to help the GOP. They defeated Dean because he is against media conglomeration. They pump up Kerry because he who the GOP really wants to run against....etc. etc.
IMO the problem is a lot more basic than that. Here's the dirty little secret. They are arrogent, greedy, ignorant smug shallow morons.
And because of that they repeat each other endlessly and try to develop "story lines" to feed the advertising beast.
That's a lot different than thinking that they carefully orchestrate things to nominate or elect anyone.
They over-hyped Dean, and were wrong. So they overreacted to their own assine assumptions by destroying him. And make no mistake -- the media did destroy Dean.
They also bought into the conventional wisdom about Kerry, and what a sorry campaigner he was. They became like vultures picking Kerry's bones while he was still alove, dwelling on all of his mistakes and faults while giving their pre-mature obituaries.....In fact, Kerry was quietly out there retooling and reenergizing himself and his campaigns.....But the media whores again got it wrong. So, when Kerry started to make progress, they jumped on board the bandwagon. And again overreacted -- anointing him as the nominee.
They also ignored Kucinich, and treated him as a vanity candidate. A Ross Perot without money. They ignore the fact that he actually represents the believes of a significant portion of Democrats and independents -- and even of the hearts of many mainstream "swing voters."
I believe they're pushing Kerry now to make up for their earlier screw ups and blindness and mistakes in writing him off too soon. So they have fanned the flames of his legitimate progress into the bandwagon of "unstoppable momentum" and the buzzword of "electability."
I don't think people are stupid. But we all do rely on the media to shape our perceptins of the world beyond our own personal reality. Those who are inherently interested by these things pay close attention, and look for many sources of information. But the average person doesn't have the time and inclination, so they trust the Corporate Media.
The truth is that Dean was neither as storng as he was once portrayed as, nor as irrelevant as they have made him since his downfall. The same with Kerry, in reverse.
And they're not purposely marginalizing Kucinich because they are afraid of him. They're just too shallow and self-involved to understand what he represents.
But the media refuses to deal with the complexities and shadings of reality. And therefore they have made politics seem to be little more than the latest WWF Steel Cage Death Match.
And it contributes to the cynicism and detachment that average people feel from public life. Why bother when it's all predetermined, they decide?
And those who are interested and passionate get burned out -- not by losing. But by the phony reasons that create conditions for those losses.
Somehow, the real challenge, regardless of which candidate one supports, is to break up that Iron Curtain of smug elite insiders who sit around tables with their smirking cynicism and tell us what we are supposed to think.