First some background: Carville & Matalin were guests of the university I work at. In order to attend for free (tickets began at $125), I volunteered to help at the event. In return, I got to attend the student session, which was Carville only, and lasted 30 minutes with a question-and-answer period. I was sitting on the aisle when he walked in. He walked by, looked straight at me and asked, "How are you young lady?" at which point I became so flustered, all I could do was giggle like a stupid little schoolgirl. How embarrassing. But I made up for it with my question: I managed to get in 2:
First, for my fellow Dean supporters, I asked why it took an outsider like Dean to wake up leaders within the party to go after *, and why he isn't given credit for setting the course of the current debate.
Second, why we haven't more aggressively gone after this administration on major issues such as lying about an elective war, leaking the name of a CIA operative, secret energy meetings, hunting with Supreme Court Justices, etc.
His response, though I may not agree with it all, was still good: he liked Dean, gave him credit for bringing energy and supporters back into the party, etc., but simply did not think he could go up against this administration. He defended the scream speech, saying Begala & Carlson were in that room and it did not appear as bad as it did on screen. Regarding the second question, he said there are currently five investigations being conducted on the "president" concerning some of the issues I mentioned above, and that the press is finally reporting it and it now shows in the poll numbers.
He did well at the actual event with his shrew of a wife. I honestly don't know how he can remain married to that woman. She spent the first half of her presentation making fun of her husband, and the second half scaring people -- these are dangerous times we live in, we must stay the course, we are doing the right thing by exporting freedom all over the world, if we (repukes) don't do it, then who will? :puke: She also downplayed the turnout of voters during the primaries, saying more republicans turned out in 2000, and that they are now "working under the radar" to help get the vote out. She also made fun of Dean's 600,000 strong e-mail list, saying the WH has over 6 million.
Both agreed that this is the most important election of their lifetime. Both agreed that the winner will be the one who gets the most of his party out to the polls. Both agreed that the country is very divided (in fact, when James asked who in room was still undecided, out of 600 less than 10 raised their hands), and that it will be up to the 10-15% who are undecided to choose the next president.