Arianna Huffington
The most intriguing passion in play these days is not whether Mel Gibson's
controversial "The Passion of the Christ" will do miraculously at the box
office when it opens on Ash Wednesday (My prophecy: It will). No the real
wild card is what is going to happen to "The Passion of the Deaniacs" once
their leader's campaign closes.
Despite Dean's sensational crash-and-burn, the grassroots movement that
sprung up around him remains intact and still desperate to move toward its
stated goal: removing Bush, remaking the Democratic Party and, indeed,
remaking America.
"We need to keep building the movement," Joe Trippi, who helped birth it,
told me, "so that it's not tied to any one personality. Anger toward
George Bush brought this movement together, but its mission is bigger than
changing presidents."
More than 1,000 activist groups were spawned by the Good Doctor, and many
of them are still hard at it, organizing, e-mailing, blogging and
Meetup-ing, looking to take the energy and enthusiasm the Dean campaign
unleashed and turn it into a permanent political force.
The question that should be on the minds of the newly invigorated red meat
Democrats is: Will John Kerry be able to attract these grassroots
advocates to his campaign, or will they scatter to the wind, never to
return (like the John McCain faithful, MIA since the 2000 South Carolina
GOP primary)?
Assuming the current campaign trajectory continues, Kerry should have a
Brahmin death grip on the Democratic nomination long before the Ides of
March is upon us. At which point, he's going to hear an iPod's worth of
siren songs all warning him that he needs to rein in his newly fiery
populist rhetoric for fear of scaring off Wall Street or soccer moms or
NASCAR dads or those elusive DLC Dems.
But the real kiss of death would be to heed this call of the mild.
Instead of dusting off the Democratic Party's tried-and-untrue swing-voter
strategy - remember 2002? - Kerry needs to become the pied piper of the
discontented, the disillusioned, the disenfranchised and the millions who
have stopped believing that politics is the way to make a difference in
the world.