I liked McCain in 2000. Not as much as Al Gore--I would have voted for Gore over McCain but I liked McCain. Until...he sold out. He sold out by not fighting back on W. On W's Lies. On Rove's lies in South Carolina and other places. He gave up his best shot at the White House because KKKarl Rove and the GOP asked him to bend over, to turn the other cheek.
They played him. Sucka!
I maintain and have posted so here that McCain built Karl Rove. If at that time, McCain had fought back, hard, he would have destroyed Bush and Rove in one swoosh! But alas, he knuckled under, charmed by visions of all their support in 2008. You can wait, John. You'll be a shoe-in, John. (Of course they didn't reveal their plans to completely fuck up the country between 2001 and 2008.)
He could have been a real maverick in 2004 and joined John Kerry. (Although being from NC I really like Edwards and voted for he and kerry in 04) He could have sent the message-"I trusted you George, Dick, and Karl-and you let me down. You let the country down. I'll take my shot now and become VP with my friend John Kerry.
But again, he bent over and knuckled under. He put party above country. He got played again. This time he even hugged the idiot. Damn. Sucka twice. Fooled twice as W tried to say that one time.
Now he thinks his time has come. Except no one cares that he took it like a man in 2000 and 2004. No one cares that he was "self-less" and put the GOP before his own aspirations. Now it is too late. His fundamentalist extreme right pandering is sad. His 7 ways to Sunday positions of the issues to try to find the "right" position is sad.
I no longer think McCain should be president. He sold out. I still think his service in Viet Nam was courageous. I am grateful for his service as a senator even though I don't agree with him. But he doesn't deserve the presidency. Not any more. He got played too many times. He will surely get played again.