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GOP House Minority Whip To Aid Group Seeking Nuclear War, Holocaust

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 10:19 PM
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GOP House Minority Whip To Aid Group Seeking Nuclear War, Holocaust

GOP House Minority Whip To Aid Group Seeking Nuclear War, Holocaust

Posted by Bruce Wilson at 4:28 PM on March 1, 2007.

US House minority whip Roy Blunt flew to San Antonio, last week, to pay tribute to Texas Pastor and apocalyptic nuclear war advocate John Hagee. In a "Christians United For Israel" mailing sent February 26th, Hagee wrote:

I am delighted to announce that Roy Blunt is a strong supporter of Israel and following our conversation about CUFI has offered to gather groups of Congressmen in his office any time I come to Washington D.C. in the future.

Blunt is not the only politician to have courted Hagee, who had a private meeting with Senator John McCain in late January to discuss Israel and "other matters". McCain has recently said, of US tensions with Iran, that the situation could be "armageddon"

John Hagee, one of several alleged religious influences on George W. Bush, has characterized liberal Jews who do not agree with his political views as "poisoned" and is a strong proponent for a "preemptive" ( or unprovoked ) US and Israeli nuclear attack against Iran. In "Jerusalem Countdown", Hagee's latest book that has so far sold over 1.1 million copies, Hagee says the Holocaust and historical persecution of the Jews is a divine punishment for the "disobedience and rebellion of the Jews, as is antisemitism... Their own rebellion had birthed the seed of anti-Semitism that would arise and bring destruction to them for centuries to come." ( Jerusalem Countdown, pages 92 and 93 ).

more, if you can bear it...
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 10:26 PM
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1. These are the kind of nuts advising BUSH??? OMG.....don't they know by doing what they do...
they are promoting the GOPs armageddon??

They are in the BS Zone...where BS is passed on as REAL.....truly deluded.....esp the hagee guy
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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 11:57 PM
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2. This is some crazy ass shit!
"John Hagee, one of several alleged religious influences on George W. Bush, has characterized liberal Jews who do not agree with his political views as "poisoned" and is a strong proponent for a "preemptive" ( or unprovoked ) US and Israeli nuclear attack against Iran."

They are Batshitcrazy and scary! And they believe in God? Damn! :wow:
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Marnieworld Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-07 10:46 AM
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3. What the f*ck is wrong with these people?
Sometimes I get so angry I could cry. How could they possibly justify armegedon? Conceive of a situation where it was acceptable? I hate that such a small group of people can affect so many of us.

:grr: :scared: :cry:
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