Thousands of US conservatives gathered in Washington yesterday feeling betrayed by President Bush, dispirited by Republican presidential candidates and depressed by the once unthinkable: their failure to demonise Hillary Clinton. The thought of a female President Clinton once seemed a horrifying prospect, guaranteed to galvanise the Right just as her husband did in the 1990s.
But with morale among conservatives at its lowest ebb for over a decade, and the movement more fractured than at any point since the Cold War, the grassroots uprising against Mrs Clinton has so far failed to materialise. Many are now realising that the determination with which she has embarked on her quest for the Democratic nomination makes defeating her a formidable challenge.
“She’s moderated her image. She’s tougher on the War on Terror and she has not aligned herself with the antiwar Left. Some conservatives think she’s not all bad,” said Christopher Ruddy, who runs NewsMax, America’s biggest conservative online magazine.
Mr Ruddy said that Mrs Clinton could be more difficult to attack than her husband.
“She’s been clever. She’s even won big in Republican districts in up-state New York
She just doesn’t get the level of intensity of love and hate that Bill Clinton got.”