Dent is pro-choice and in favor of stem cell research. He supports development of alternative energy resources and voted against the Terri Schiavo fiasco.
Although I see several opportunities for rebuttal I will offer one counter punch:
Dent said in his letter, "...I am still dismayed that the Majority had us debate this issue for thirty-six hours but dictatorially did not allow us to offer viable alternatives to benefit our troops and our national interests."
Closed rules dictate that bills go to the floor for a vote without any possibility of amendment. This tactic undercuts the very essence of democracy: In a bicameral system, allowing bills to be debated openly is the only way that the minority can have a real impact, by offering amendments to legislation drafted by the majority.
House Republicans oversaw a monstrous increase in the number of closed rules prior to losing majority control last year.
In 1977, when Democrats held a majority in the House, eighty-five percent of all bills were open to amendment. But by 1994, the last year Democrats ran the House, that number had dropped to thirty percent.
Of the 111 rules introduced in the first session of the 109th Congress (when Dent was first elected), only twelve were open. Of those, eleven were appropriations bills, which are traditionally open. That left just one open vote -- H. Res. 255, the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005.
In the second session of the 109th Congress there was not a single open rule outside of appropriation votes. Under the Republicans, amendable bills became a genuine Washington rarity.
Much more ammo here: are committed to changing Congressional rules to make them more fair to the minority - in sharp contrast with the extremist 109th Congress. Congressman Dent seems to have forgotten that it was he and his Republican allies who developed the rules of which he now complains. These days I myself find such objections amusing.