OK, so our primary is next Tuesday, as if you needed to be told that.
I have been working virtually full-time to support the man I believe would be the greatest President of the United States. Today he bowed out.
So I'm faced with an enormous challenge. I simply don't know what to do with my primary vote. I do not want to throw it away - it's way too valuable!
So, because I don't know enough about the process, I need some advice. Is there any point (other than 'protest') in still casting my vote for Wes Clark? Though he has dropped out, does he still rack up delegates, and if so, does that get him anything at the convention, like more influence over platform or anything?
There are two remaining candidates who I will not vote for. There is one who is a relative long-shot, but I would consider voting for. There is one who is an ENORMOUS long-shot, and I don't think I'd vote for him, because it would be just as much a protest vote as a Clark vote would be. Let's see, I think that leaves one more candidate, but I don't think he's viable at all, so I won't count him.
So, help me out, folks! I need to know more about how the system works (other than shittily).
Thanks. :(