Plans Conservative Agenda: Learn To Belly Dance, Golf, And ‘Say No, No, No, No For 2 Years’ «
At the Conservative Political Action Conference yesterday, right-wing activist and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist urged conservatives not to work to accomplish anything in the current Congress.
“Get married, develop a hobby, learn to belly dance, learn to golf — you know, we got two years free, but we gotta spend time and effort playing defense here,” Norquist said. “Our job is to say ‘no, no, no, no’ for two years.”
Norquist predicted, “People are gonna go, ‘oh maybe this bill isn’t as bad as it looks.’” But he warned, ” Don’t eat it, don’t swallow it, don’t touch it. Nothing good passes this Congress.” Watch it:
Listen at link.
NORQUIST: Nothing good happens in the next two years out of this Congress. Nothing good.
If you read in the newspaper that there’s a bill with a nice sounding name, and it sounds in the first sentence like the bill is good, you haven’t read the whole bill.
Nothing good happens. They’re not going to cut taxes.
Look, get married, develop a hobby, learn to belly dance, learn to golf — you know, we got two years free, but we gotta spend some time and effort playing defense here.
Because the Democrats are going to be like young men on prom dates — they’re gonna keep asking the same question of us over and over and over again. And our job is to say “no, no, no, no” for two years.
It doesn’t do us any good to go “no, no, yes” okay? It has to be “no” for two years in a row. It’s going to be tiresome, it’s going to be boring. People are gonna go, “oh maybe this bill isn’t as bad as it looks.” Don’t eat it, don’t swallow it, don’t touch it. Nothing good passes this Congress.
Plan for the future and read novels.