Fri Mar 2, 9:18 AM ET
Democratic Governor Bill Richardson--who recently won a second term as New Mexico's chief executive with 68% of the vote--currently trails former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) by seventeen percentage points in an Election 2008 Presidential match-up. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll shows Giuliani with 52% of the vote while Richardson attracts 35%.
Richardson also trails Republican Senator John McCain (news, bio, voting record) by nine points--McCain 45% Richardson 36%. Richardson is currently in fourth place among Democrats seeking their party's Presidential nomination.
That Governor Richardson lags in both match-ups, especially against the persistently popular Giuliani, is unsurprising given how early it is in the extended presidential campaign. That he is only nine points behind McCain is relatively good news for the governor. Still, when he entered the race in late January, Richardson trailed McCain just 39% to 43%--essentially even.
The Rasmussen Reports national election poll shows Giuliani attracting 30% of Democrats when matched against Richardson, and 46% of unaffiliated voters. McCain draws 23% of Democrats, 39% of unaffiliateds.
Thirty-two percent (32%) see Richardson as a political moderate, including 37% of Democrats; 28% of all voters consider him liberal.
Governor Richardson is widely credited with strong political skills and a robust resume. But he remains largely unknown to 40% of all voters, including comparable percentages of both Republicans and Democrats. He is viewed favorably by only 32% of all voters; 27% view him unfavorably.