Congress to Probe Bush Administrations Illegal Funding of Extremist Islamic Groups with Ties to al Qaeda and 9/11 Attacks
Washington D.C. – Sources close to the offices of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Ca) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), said Wednesday on conditions of anonymity that a probe was being initiated into the alleged illegal funding by the Bush administration of radical Islamic extremists in Saudi Arabia with close ties to al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks.
Under investigation will be alleged funding being diverted illegally from Iraq in addition to those being provided by undisclosed Saudi sources for the purpose of disrupting Shiite organizations throughout the region and targeted assassination of Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Testimony will be taken behind closed doors from high ranking administration officials with subpoenas to follow within days. The source added “this will go all the way to the top”; the White House did not immediately respond to questions concerning the investigation.
You know the Bush administration has counted on lies to gain support for their agenda. All they have ever had to do is tell a lie and keep telling it until 70% or 80% of the American people believe it.
It always has seemed to me that the truth should work just as well if you said it often enough. The Democrats in congress should give it a go; it just might work.
Seriously, the situation reported in "The New Yorker" by Seymour Hersh is the one we need to push congress on. If this administration could be shown to be funding the same extremists that flew planes into the WTC I cannot imagine how this could be anything less then devastating.