She might bear a vague resemblance to the nun's MOTHER, maybe!!!
On that sentence alone, I'm inclined to ask, "Who's she kidding???"
And I hardly think Obama needs boxing lessons from the likes of MODO. Further, one has to wonder why she always manages to make these sorts of columns about HER. No one gives a shit, Maureen, about an ancient reference that only old coots like ME even remember. Seriously--who the fuck under age, say, thirty has even SEEN the damned BELLS OF ST. MARY's???
Frankly, I am tired of this POTSTIRRING method of covering these contests. If it isn't making lame, OOOOH, your ancestry is BLACK plus, so let's compare you to someone else who's BLACK plus...let's see...Halle Berry? Naaah, it has to be a guy...Quincy Jones? Naaaaah.....too old, and not enough folks know about his WHITESIDE....I got it--TIGER WOODS!!!--it's the AUTO CATFIGHT mode they go into when talking about female candidates. Meow, meow, let's talk about clothes, hair, makeup (I'm stunned at the continued pantsuit discussions, especially since Laura Bush apparently raided Hillary's closet and no one says jack to her about them...).
Let's talk about ANYTHING but the issues. Let's make up hissy fits, imagined differences, petty squawks, and not discuss the young adults dying for a lie in Iraq. Let's get catty, and ignore the poor, the sick, those without health insurance. Let's tackle every little crapstory, save the issues!
ENOUGH. I am FED UP TO HERE with this sniping, picking, lame, gotcha shit.
As an "undecided" (save my vote for Al Gore, if he jumps in, and my vote for ANY DEMOCRAT in the general election) voter, I think I deserve better. And I think the rest of the nation does, too.