Gets His Gun Again: Walter Reed Reveals Right's Bloody Secret
by Steve Young
If the story that was hidden in plain sight had been exposed and blared ad infinitum with half the energy they use to excoriate the ACLU, Right's water carriers could have helped avert years of immeasurable misery for so many of our veterans.
How easy would it have been for, say Bill O'Reilly? In 2005 I had Bob Filner (D, CA) from the committee on my little baby radio show in L.A. and he made it quite clear what was happening.
"We were promised and, more importantly, organizations representing veterans were promised by the House Republican leadership that a $1.8 billion increase over the President's inadequate budget request would be included in the Veterans Appropriations bill to provide for the health care for veterans," Filner told me. "It was not!"
If I could get Filner, certainly the guy who's looking out for us could.
So why did the Right's echo chamber choose to ignore this disgrace? It's a tough one to answer, especially when they (Republican politicians, right wing talk radio, O'Reilly, etc) spend so much time characterizing the left as the anti-soldier cult.
All you have to do is pay any attention to talk radio or Fox News to know that they'll cover anything else, anything, to evade the insidious truth.
Anna Nicole.
Bittany's hair
American Idol nudie pics.
Al Gore's perfidious hypocrisy.
Obama's connection to racist churches
Hillary's connection to Satan.
Do you see anything on that list that mentions the national shame that is Walter Reed Hospital? Not when there was the real righteous indignation of Melissa Etheridge calling her partner, "wife" that needed to be shat upon.