I posted it on here at the time, fishy results in Baltimore, Here are some stats
that I kept at the time from 2004 election here in Maryland.
My humble statistics from no math whiz!
Kerry won with 1,334,493 which is a lead of only 309,790 in Maryland
Bush had 1,024,703
Here's why it is BS, these are registered voters who voted in the entire STATE of MARYLAND
1,340,778 78.89% of registered Dems voted
733,643 81.37% of registered Republicans voted
5,415 72.36% of registered Greens voted
16,182 67.39% of registered Libs voted
236 79.73% of registered Constitution party voted???
8 72.73% of registered Populists voted
299,529 68.52% of registered Independents voted
Results from Baltimore County
data is from the Baltimore County election summary
in Baltimore county (Diebold machines), it gets more interesting.
Bush 166,051 (46.98%) with 1,089 blank votes for prez
Kerry 182,474 (51.62%)
Mikulski (dem senator) 217,688 (62.72%)
C.J. Pipkin (rep challenger for sen) 124,092 (35.75%)
blank votes for senate race 7,498
US congress (2)
C.A. Ruppersberger (Dem) 96,723 (65.77%)
Jane Brooks (Rep) 46,236 (31.44%)
with blank votes of 7,447
Now you see that Bush consistently receives a higher percentage of the votes than the Republican challengers and in Baltimore County, not only are candidates not riding Bush's coattails, people are only voting republican at the top of the ticket and not bothering to vote at all further down on the ballot!
Now, I KNOW that the Democrats I talked to DID not vote for Bush, now even if every single Republican voted for Bush, of all the Independents in the entire state all but 8,469 would have had to vote for Bush for him to get that number of votes, I can tell you these are fake nos. We need to open up the machines! No more years.
http://www.elections.state.md.us/SBE_Election/turnout/t ...