well. Not once, but maybe half a dozen times that I have PERSONALLY witnessed.
What does it take? He has SAID that's his affiliation. Who are you to argue with him?
Are you calling the man a LIAR, like in the below cited, rather disturbingly snarky SALON article? Or do you insist that he conform to YOUR IDEA of what he "ought" to be, to suit a preconceived notion?
More than one person I have known describes Libertarians as Democrats who want to kill incarcerated criminals convicted of heinous crimes, or Republicans who want to smoke pot. He has described, and continues to describe, himself as a libertarian.
You should employ that wonderful internet device known as GOOGLE before you shoot off your keyboard with assertions in refutation. It would save you embarrassment. His political affiliation is unequivocal--at least according to him.
Are we at a point in time where people can declare a party affiliation, and any old so and so can ARGUE with them about it, simply because they don't check every (assumed to be) appropriate block? What's next, we follow them into the ballot box to 'check up' on them?
http://archive.salon.com/ent/tv/feature/2001/08/01/maher/index.htmlWith the White House and Congress solidly conservative and the Senate on a constant Democratic deathwatch, these are not the best of times to be teetering left of center. And so the host of ABC's "Politically Incorrect" has done a rather political thing.
He's come out as a libertarian.
For Maher, this isn't a recent phenomenon. Maher had been calling himself libertarian well before Bill Clinton left for Chappaqua, N.Y. And why not? The host of the late-night political discussion program has never been above raising a few eyebrows. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1198918,00.html
You describe yourself as a Libertarian. Is that even a political designation anymore?
I don't know. There's no one in the Libertarian Party who breaks through, even to Ralph Nader status. I've always thought of it as allowing people to do anything they wanted to do as long as it doesn't hurt somebody else. Sometimes people say to me, "You're not a real Libertarian because Libertarians believe there should be no gun control." I'm not a radical Libertarian, O.K.? Every party has something of a big tent.They describe themselves as THE PARTY OF PRINCIPLE.
http://www.lp.org/Let's start with Webster's definition:
Libertarian: A person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action. Capitalized: a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles.
Libertarians believe in, and pursue, personal freedom while maintaining personal responsibility. The Libertarian Party itself serves a much larger pro-liberty community with the specific mission of electing Libertarians to public office.
Libertarians strongly oppose any government interfering in their personal, family and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.
In a nutshell, we are advocates for a smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.If I had to guess, that's the bits that appeal to him.
Sheesh. The guy is what he IS. He isn't an icon, he isn't a hero, he isn't a touchstone. Hell, he avers he fucked Ann Coulter. He is an entertainer who touches on political subjects. His programme is enjoyable because he gives "our team" a platform, and people like him because he did so when others did not. But he's no MOSES....he is not JESUS....he's certainly not Muhamad.
He's a horny old guy who eschews marriage, romance, the concept of institutionalized "coupling" and doesn't have more than three or four dates with the same lady for fear of palimony/breach of promise problems (see his dalliance with a dreadful not so young, disgrace-to-the-profession flight attendant
http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1129041maher1.html for additional information). He shook that problem, and he's even more cautious as a consequence.
He's no role model. He's a fellow who gives us TV time on his show, who allows us space on his platform, and who has earned a following amongst us as a consequence. But damn, he is NOT our MESSIAH, and woe to any one of us who thinks that.