CNN/AP: Friday, March 02, 2007
Richardson in Iowa: Money isn't everything
Gov. Richardson makes his first trip to Iowa as a presidential candidate.
JOHNSTON, Iowa (AP) -- Democrat Bill Richardson said Friday that money isn't everything, even in presidential politics.
The New Mexico governor is seeking the nomination in a field dominated by Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, who have captured much of the attention and a considerable amount of campaign dollars.
"There is this fixation that the Washington media is developing that this race is basically already over and that the two most important attributes are who can raise the most money and who has the most rock-star status," Richardson told reporters on Friday, after taping a show for Iowa Public Television.
"I think that's absurd. I think the voters of Iowa will have something to say about that."
Still, Richardson boasted about his ability to raise money.
"I don't want to get into numbers, but I was able to raise $14 million for my race as governor. I raised close to $30 million for the Democratic Governor's Association. We raised $2 million in one night in New Mexico," he said. "We'll be respectable."...