I posted Nancy Gregg's wonderful piece "Thank A Republican" on another board. This was a response from a RWer. Thought you would enjoy.
response! Giving Credit Where It’s Due By Nancy Greggs
1)If you’re out of work because your government made it financially worthwhile for US companies to outsource your job to a cheaper labor market, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
1a)Unemployment is so Low, You can get a Job about anywhere, doing anything! Thank Bush and the Tax Cuts!
2)If your son/daughter in the military is in a combat zone without sufficient equipment or training, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
2a)Only NON-Military Libs Know this! Most of Our troops including My Son-in-law sez they have what they Need. Which is why the death count is so low! Thank Bush and Rumsfeld, They had they work cut out for them after all of the cuts in the Clinton years!
3)If your war-wounded spouse is a war vet tied up in endless red tape and can’t get medical treatment or disability payments, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
3a)The system has always had issues, Read Today News! And You can thank the Congressional Oversight committes for Hanging out on the Golf courses instead of checking on the VA! Remember Pelosi trying to cut the Military Budget? Thank a Republican Senator and Bush!
4)If a loved one died in NOLA for want of food, water, medicine, or assistance of any kind in the aftermath of Katrina, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
4a)Thank a Democrat for Holding generation after generation in Squallor IN NOLA!! The Only time America Thinks of NOLA is for Mardi Gras! Boobs and Beads! The Great Society Held these 90,000 people from Obtaining a simple Automobile so they could Leave!You know that once you make so much Money they cut you off from aid!
5)If you’re upset that New Orleans was left in ruins while we could afford to build a billion-dollar embassy in Baghdad, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
5a)How Much money Have we Sent to NOLA? We could have rebuilt the South with that cash!
6)If the cost of your life-saving prescription medicine has skyrocketed, even to the point where you can’t afford it at all, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
6a)Everyday Less and Less People complain about Bushs Pla, Because It worked! Try again!
7)If you lose sleep at night worrying about the national debt your children and grandchildren will have to pay off in the decades to come, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
7a)Read the US Constitution! Your er sorry My Grandchildren will not be burden with that debt! And If the Chinese Stock Market continues to dive, they will owe us $7,000,000,000(trillion)
8)If you’re concerned about the fact that we don’t have the necessary funds to overhaul our crumbling infrastructure, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
8a) crumbling infrastructure? What the hell are you talking about!
9)If you’re worried about rising numbers in the incidents of homelessness and poverty, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
9a)750,000 People are "Considered" Homeless! an All Time Low! The Homeless on the NBC Special this week, said a Large Number Live on RV! That is NOT Homeless! If so! I want to be Homeless!
10)If you’ve had to declare bankruptcy, but you still owe your soul to credit card companies, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
10a) again, All Time Low!
11)If you’ve noticed that you’re continually getting gouged at the pump even though oil companies are raking in record profits, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
since when are "Republicans" responsible for a World wide Market?
Here a search for you! What are Other countries Paying?
12)If you’re angry at the fact that you have to go through intensive screening at the airport to board a plane with a hold full of uninspected cargo, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
12a)Thank a Muslim!
13)If you wonder why hard-working middle-class citizens have to pay their full share of taxes while wealthy individuals and corporations don’t have to pay their fair share, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
13a)The author Has No clue! and If they did, They would realize "They are one of the Rich"!
14)If you wonder why investigations into government corruption always seem to get stopped in their tracks, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
14a)Hillary Clinton Is NOT a Republican! She Has a List Bigger than everyone else Put togeather, and Her Punishment is She gets to run for President!
15)If you think it unseemly that fabrications and outright lies are permitted to be broadcast as unqualified fact, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
15a)Nancy Pelosi Is NOT a Republican!
16)If you worry about your kids getting sick from tainted food that should have been inspected but wasn’t, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
16a)Same as It ever was! How do you inspect Food for 300,000,000 people?
17)If you’re concerned that religious fanatics have too much influence over your government, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
17a)Hillary and Barbara Boxer both recieved illegal Money from a Muslim Pakastani that Left the country to evade capture!(Read the News)
18)If you’re troubled by the erosion of your rights and freedoms and see that as an assault on democracy, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
18a)Truman abolished the 4th Amendment with the National Security Act of 1947. McCain-Feingold Act, Removed your 1st amendment rights!
19)If you are appalled by excuse-making and passing-the-buck having replaced accountability, THANK A REPUBLICAN.
19a)Jimmy Carter and BJ Clinton are Not Republicans!
20)If you have realized that the American Dream is now out-of-reach for millions of citizens, that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing at an alarming rate, that elections are no longer a matter of the will of the people but the whim of those who control the voting machines, that a nation that was once a Beacon of Democracy is now a nation that tortures, that the democratic country you were born and raised in is now indistinguishable from the worst dictatorship, that the Constitution is now treated as an antiquated document of no meaning, and that the country your ancestors fought and died for is no longer recognizable …
… don’t forget to THANK A REPUBLICAN.
20A)Thank The National Education Association!