For anyone who has been watching the media coverage this election, you can understand why Clark's supporters have been furious and endlessly frustrated during the course of these primaries. When a couple of days ago ABC News’ political staff explicitly stated that there is "extraordinary pressure to begin covering the Bush v. Kerry general election matchup immediately," the Clark camp simply saw yet another overt admission of what is occurring. (see Defining Differences Between The Candidates) The fact that the very staff of even ABC News admits it is being pressured to be biased – and that all of its reporters keep that pressure to spin things as a "dirty little secret," going along against honesty and integrity – shows that truly no one in the non-Moderate Independent media is anything but part of one big, coordinated spin machine.
SNIP :nuke:
NBC uses the clearly dishonest, right-wing puppet Zogby polls to push the Bush/Limbaughians agenda.
We all know about FOX News’ bias, but did you know about this: that FOX News’ COO has pledged to raise $50,000 in cash for the Kerry camp? Yep. Now, from the UK, we get a bit of information that might help to make things a little clearer. According to a report in The Guardian,7497,1144464,00.html , FOX News’ COO has pledged to raise between $50,000 and $100,000 for Senator John Kerry’s campaign. It reports: "Mr Chernin, one of Mr Murdoch's most trusted lieutenants, is among several media chiefs who have pledged to raise between $50,000 and $100,000 to support the Vietnam war veteran’s campaign for the White House." According to the same report, the CEO at Viacom – which owns CBS, MTV, and many radio stations - has pledged to raise $50,000 for Kerry. From the Guardian: "Others who have pledged to raise more than $50,000 include the Viacom chief executive, Sumner Redstone, and Sony chairman Howard Stringer."
Well, what about CNN. CNN’s coverage has seemed about the most biased this election cycle, even making FOX look like a liberal network at times. But is that accurate? Isn’t CNN owned by liberal Ted Turner, or at least controlled by him? Nope. Remember, a short while ago Ted Turner was run out of the last bits of power he had over CNN, the network he had created. He now has zero say and zero control. Who ran him out? The company that had bought CNN, Time Warner. Oops, this from the Guardian article. Wonder where Time Warner’s heart lies? It’s CEO gave some cash to President Bush. Just in case the above quote from ABC, and its hiring this year of Rush Limbaugh on its ESPN Network, and its use of its radio stations in certain areas as flat out right-wing lie-and-smear stations hasn’t made it clear to you where ABC stands on things: "Michael Eisner, who gave $5,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee." (Eisner is the CEO of Disney, who owns ABC)
SNIP :nuke:
But all else aside, one has to hand it to the Kerry camp. They saw the number one issue this election and made control of it their top priority. Iraq, the economy, healthcare, those things are irrelevant. The issue that will decide this election is the media, and so far Kerry, through a combination of good fortune and clearly experienced savvy, has been able to use the spin machine greatly to his advantage. However, this won’t last. Just as the press never used to mention Kerry without the words "aloof" or "liberal" before they decided to push his campaign, they will start to do again. The smears will come, the ignoring, the twisting. And now that Clark is out, the all out assault on Kerry will begin. The Republicans plan to make what appears to be Kerry’s strength, his Vietnam Veteran status, into his weakness, talking about how he sewed the American flag to the bottom of his pants while protesting, how he betrayed true veterans by protesting against them while they were still overseas. (Xultar says: This will make the RW blood boil. IT wil also help to paint the Dems as anti war anti patriot, and anti soldiers and troops. So, the independents and conservitive Dems Clark would have attracted with his Nat'l Security credintials will scurry back into their caves)
SNIP :nuke:
O’Reilly had nice words about Kerry as well, according to the report, saying he would "make a formidable opponent" against President Bush. (yeah right when has O'liely hand anything nice to say about a Dem except Zell)