The Flash Point by Cindy Sheehan
Body: The Flash Point
Cindy Sheehan I was sitting in an airport by my gate---it is shocking how many of my stories begin that way, these days---and CNN was on the video screen. The program was The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. There was a “tease” about the Scooter Pie Libby verdict and Wolf actually had the gall to say: “How much more can the Bush presidency take?”
On a day where ten soldiers died in Iraq and over one hundred Shi’ite pilgrims were blown to dust in the wind there, I am wondering how much more the people of America and Iraq can take.
Credible studies show that almost 700, 000 innocent Iraqi civilians have died due to our criminal occupation, and we know almost 3200 US troops have died. Those deaths are inexcusable, wrongful and in the words of Barak Obama and John McCain, for “nothing.”
What the rest of America , including apparently The Washington Post, just learned was that the VA system is in shambles. Anyone listening to soldiers and their families knew of the emergency situation in lack of VA care for our veterans who have been physically, emotionally, and spiritually wounded by George’s war for oil. The peace movement knew, but we listen to our vets who are part of our movement. I don’t think vets can take much more.
BushCo has lied about reasons for war; sanctioned torture; taken away a centuries old right to habeas corpus; with the regularity of clockwork, breaks federal law by spying on our emails and phone calls; abandoned the people of the Gulf States during Katrina; has deployed our young people for up to the fourth time in a war crime of an occupation; guts and tramples on environmental laws; leaves every child in America behind and has outed a CIA covert operative. What is going to be the flash point for you to turn off your TV and carry a sign, or banner and descend on the White House as oppressed peasants descending on the castle of the lord of the realm with pitchforks and torches?
When the Articles of Impeachment were drawn up for Richard Nixon, the 3rd Article was for abusing his office to “punish enemies.” What Scooter did (with permission and encouragement from the VP and Karl Rove) reflects not only on Doomsday Dick and his office, but the Presidency where the buck should stop, but it never even reaches his Royal Low-Ness, George Bush.
Our founders wrote the impeachment clauses in the Constitution to rein in a president who wants to reign and not serve. Comments from the founders on preventing an executive who became king-like were very prescient and were written for precisely the crisis that our country is in now. If the impeachment clauses are not used on this president and vice president, then they will further be rendered meaningless and every subsequent president should be bowed and scraped to (and not just by Wolf Blitzer and the rest of the sycophantic media prostitutes).
My flash point was on April 04, 2004, when my oldest child was killed for the criminally corrupt, incompetent and callous gang of mobsters who like to refer to themselves as the “Executive Branch.” I was tested in tears and I came out on the other side ready to fight for every child of this world. My flash point was too costly and too painful. What will yours be?
Please, urge your Congressional Rep to introduce Articles of Impeachment against these High Criminals. Join us on March 17th for an historic march on the Pentagon where we are demanding an end to the twin nightmares of Iraq and the Bush presidency.
I don’t want your flash point to be mine.
Let’s stop them before that happens.
Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Sheehan who was killed in Bush's war of terror on 04/04/04.
She is the co-founder and president of Gold Star Families for Peace and The Camp Casey Peace Institute.