Pullout Could Begin July 1 Under Democratic Plan
This is a dramatic new dimension to the Iraq debate, and the structure of the proposal vividly demonstrates the intense pressure that Pelosi is under from the anti-war faction within her caucus to force a vote on a timetable for withdrawal. Pelosi indicated that she would not allow the Out of Iraq Caucus and other anti-war Democrats to have a separate bill requiring all U.S. forces to leave Iraq by Dec. 31 of this year.
The speaker also dismissed a potential veto by Bush, or the likelihood that the bill would get bogged down in the Senate, as immaterial to what she and House Democrats were trying to do. Pelosi said worrying about whether Bush would sign a bill was "too limiting" for House Democrats to worry about.Pelosi told reporters that the goal of the Democratic proposal, included within a $95 billion wartime spending bill for Iraq and Afghanistan, is bring about an end to the war, "safely, reasonably, and soon."
House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) said Democrats are seeking to bring the Iraq conflict to "an orderly and responsible close" so that the United States could refocus attention on the "forgotten war" in Afghanistan.
Democrats also want to prohibit the create of permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq, ban torture, limit the time of deployment to Iraq for combat troops while ensuring that no units lack proper equipment, training and rest are deployed there.