At this moment in time, I am completely disappointed at what appears to be the inability or the unwillingness of this democratic Congress to hold President Bush accountable for the lies, deceit, disregard for the Constitution, disregard for our men and women in uniform, disregard for our veterans, unprecedented cronyism, and total disrespect of the law and the fact that our nation is a nation of laws.
When the nation elected a majority of democrats to both houses in November, democrats praised the voters for sending a clear message which was they were tired of business as usual and that they wanted accountability. However, now it appears that all that was lip service and sound bites. In other words, democrats wanted the power but not the responsibility that accompanies it.
I fully realize that it is unlikely that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney will be convicted by the US Senate, but should that preclude the House of Representatives from investigating and holding hearings and beginning the impeachment process? This president’s misdeeds and malfeasance which have repeatedly risen to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors MUST be entered into the Congressional record. It MUST be recorded for us, for our children, and for our grandchildren, that this president who has repeatedly violated his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States has been PUBLICLY held accountable to the nation, regardless of the Senate outcome.
While a great nation, the United States is also a fragile nation simply because that which holds us together is our common belief in and adherence to our Constitution. We are a nation of laws and it is those laws that protect our humanity and govern how we treat one another for the common good. If a group of individuals is allowed to intentionally and with prejudice violate those laws, then we have started down the slippery slope to our own demise. This cannot be overstated.
It was despotism from without that our forefathers fought against during the American Revolution. Now it appears we may have to fight despotism from within. It is time for the Congress to take action and begin the impeachment process against this president and vice-president and any other official of this administration that has violated their oath of office.