The Washington Times, which no one in his/er correct mind would ever call a left-wing or even a centrist newspaper, published this op-ed piece by Wade Sanders this morning.
Key point: you don't have to be a bleeding heart liberal to know that Sam Fox should not, repeat *not*, be confirmed by the Senate to a plum job as ambassador to Belgium -- no matter what his good buddy Heckuva-Job-Bushie thinks.
Please feel free to contact your favorite senators and remind them that dishonest fat-cat greedheads like Sam Fox should never be rewarded by being handed cushy gigs that they are not even remotely qualified for -- especially this particular dishonest fat-cat greedhead.
(FYI's: Sanders is former deputy assistant secretary of the Navy. Former secretary of the Navy Jim Webb has stated that he will under no circumstances vote to confirm Sam Fox. Fox's nomination is currently on hold but is still pending a confirmation vote at some point.)
As the skipper of a Swift Boat during the Vietnam War, I recently watched with interest as Sam Fox, a Missouri multimillionaire, small-talked his way through a confirmation hearing on his nomination to be the United States ambassador to Belgium. ... I have no personal interest in Belgium, but one feature on Mr. Fox's long list of support for all things Republican caught my attention: "Foxy," as President Bush affectionately calls him, had donated $50,000 to the distasteful smear machine known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth during the 2004 election.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but one of the lessons drilled into me by the military and preserved through the memory of friends who were lucky enough to come home from Vietnam alive, is that truth matters above all else. And as a military man, it doesn't matter much who is being attacked -- John McCain, Max Cleland, John Kerry, or Jack Murtha -- I just don't believe that assaults on the military records of veterans belong in our politics. Nor do I believe that those who finance smears of decorated Vietnam veterans deserve to represent America on the world stage.
Make no mistake: I remember. Mr. Fox had helped bankroll one of the nastiest, dirtiest negative campaign ads of the entire 2004 presidential campaign, if not in presidential history. But it was more than that. It was personal to me. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth sullied the reputation of one of the Navy's bravest, most dedicated fighting forces. Again and again I see the word "Swiftboating" used as a pejorative -- not the valiant, honorable term it was nearly 40 years ago when young men gave their lives on the Mekong Delta.
Those of us who are real swift boaters know something about judgment and responsibility for our decisions. We live with the consequences of war every day. All decisions have consequences -- and so should Mr. Fox's decision in 2004. The Senate must reject Mr. Fox. We need to hold our public officials to the highest standards of integrity, judgment and honesty, and we need to honor the values that the Navy taught young men decades ago.
Link to original article is here: