Edited on Fri Mar-09-07 04:13 PM by ieoeja
o Dinner at the table (disclaimer: black & white TV with horrible reception on all four channels).
o I *quit* drinking beer when I was twelve. Started again when I was twenty-one, but that isn't important.
o Took family trip to Cincinnati Reds baseball game every summer.
o Had access to the porn stash from as far back as I can remember.
o Went on a family holiday at least once a year.
o Spent a lot of time playing pool in the bar while my parents were drinking.
o Worked the family farm.
o Spent a lot of summer nights during my late childhood/early teens at the late-night honky-tonk dance club.
o Mom & Dad were the adult 4-H leaders of the girl's and boy's 4-H clubs respectively. My sister and I both took a stint as adult 4-H leaders in later years ourselves.
o Dad handed out condoms to the boys after 4-H club meetings.
o Dad led the battle to keep the 3 room elementary school out in the farmland where we went to school open (and which cranked out the valedictorian for the high school in town 13 years running).
o Dad supplied the beer as long as my teenage friends and I stayed on the farm (camping).
My concept of family values is a lot different than most people's. As difficult as it has made it to understand most people outside the family, I wouldn't trade my upbringing. Because in my lay opinion most of those people (and, yeah, that means most of you) are nucking futs!