From the email:
DFA Night School, our free online campaign training program, is back for the 2007 Spring Semester.
Last week over 900 people participated in the initial Night School of 2007. Next Tuesday, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) organizer Ben Monterroso will join us as we turn our attention to Building Progressive Coalitions.Building Progressive Coalitions
Tuesday March 13th - 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time
RSVP today: building is central to expanding the progressive movement and the impact of effective action. Every day organizations across the country combine their resources to fight to end the Iraq War, eliminate poverty or provide universal health care.
Tuesday night, DFA is partnering with the SEIU to present a first rate training on the benefits (and potential pitfalls) of Building Progressive Coalitions. The web presentation and nationwide conference call are so easy that over 4,715 DFA members have participated from their own home.RSVP today: us Tuesday night as DFA brings the best in campaign training to your living room.
Thanks for all you do,
Arshad Hasan
Training Director