The Obey thing happened. Some are on his side, some are on the woman's side. There are many threads right here in River City discussing it every which way from Sunday. One of the threads is mine. They're all still active, so if you wanna discuss Obey, specifically, any one of them would a godd place to do that.
The purpose of *this* thread is to suggest some people upon whom pressure might actually help our cause (which is, I think we can all agree, as rapid an end to the Iraq as is humanly possible).
How about the Maine Women? One of them has alreadsy been dissed by Bush upon her return from Iraq. They should be quite willing to listen. And their Senate votes might actually matter.
How about Arlen Specter? This fucking weasel is in a state that has just shown its fill of Republic officials. At let him know we're watching. And we're wise to him.
I would add Arlen's asshole buddy, Holy, but we all know that's a lost cause.
Senators Nelson ..... both of these guys are worth a little pressure .... titular Dems as they claim to be.
Colorado Ken is another one who needs a nudge from time to time. Whittling away at the Gang of 14 never hurts, yanno?
See, here's the deal ....... we can pass most anything in the House. Not **quite* anything, but a lot. Now, if we had the votes in the Senate, it might be even easier to get shit done in the House cuz those opposed would actually **matter** ...... and get noticed. And nobody likes to get noticed as the one who farted during dinner. So anyway, farts aside, the best place to put pressure is in the .... Senate!
Easy, no?
Who else can you see as viable targets of grassroots activities who might actually make an actual difference?