Chris has apparently been working with the progressive caucus on this. He seems resigned. I guess I'm weird , but I thought when you had about 30 more seats in the House than the other party that you could do as you wanted.
But I must have been wrong. I guess a compromise is better than nothing when you have a lot of the majority not wanting to "play generals" with the war.
Chris refers to the WP article I posted above."A meeting in Pelosi's office Thursday stretched from 1:30 to 4 p.m., as 35 to 40 Democratic liberals hashed over the legislation with Pelosi, House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.) and Pelosi's political consigliere, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.).
Miller's pitch was blunt: If the liberals team up with Republicans to bring down the Iraq bill, Democratic leaders would have no choice but to come back with a spending bill that simply funds the war, without any policy restrictions. It would pass easily, with Republican votes and the support of many Democrats.
That night, Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.), an Out of Iraq Caucus member, joined other liberals for a meeting in a basement room of the Capitol. With the zeal of the converted, Hinchey told his colleagues, "If we cannot pass a bill like this, the alternative is far worse, a straightforward 'Here's the money, Mr. President, spend it any way you want.' "
"This solution is not perfect," he said he told the group. "But it's a hell of a lot better than anything else we can get."
Chris adds some of his own comments, sounds rather discouraged. I know how he feels.
Right now, my main concern is that George Miller is actually correct in his assessment of future moves. If, upon the defeat of this bill, a supplemental without any strings attached will easily pass through the House, then I have serious concerns over the leadership's willingness to even fight for this compromise bill once it is either vetoed or defeated via filibuster in the Senate. One of those things will almost certainly take place, and so if progressives are willing to compromise in order to get this bill through the House, then the leadership better be willing to stand behind this compromise. If, instead, it turns out that progressives have been placed in the position of Charlie Brown trying to kick the football on this one, don't expect as many of us to get behind a compromise like this next time around. I am not particularly energetic to fight for Democrats who don't fight for themselves. The House leadership better be ready to go to the mat.
I just read the Salcn article about Bush sending sick and wounded back to Iraq now. Some so injured they can not wear their armor. I guess he is daring us. Well, he wins, I guess.
The Army is ordering injured troops to go to IraqThis is more like Vietnam all the time...they say if we stay a little longer we might win. And both sides appear to be playing politics with lives.
This is just like it was before the war. The centrist groups are going to do just what they want, threaten the progressives, and shove us out of the way.....and give in to the Republicans again.
But then I am just an activist and not very bright liberal who thinks of herself as moderate.
:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: