Here's the thing that gets me.
These assholes have the sexual morals of jackrabbits on Cialis, but if they go to Dobson and "confess" and get "right with the Lord," it's all okay. The sin is forgiven as if it never happened, and all the evangefundicals will welcome them back with open arms.
I had never heard the term "cheap grace" before I read Bob Alteman's "Authoritarians" and John Dean's "Conservatives Without Conscience." But the term perfectly applies to this bullshit of Newt's: No matter what the sin, no matter how heinous, if you acknowledge it, put it in words, you can be forgiven and go on about your business.
Adultery, for crying out loud, is right up there in the ten big ones with murder and stealing and lying/perjury/bearing false witness. Bill Clinton got impeached, and Scooter Libby may go to jail over that last one. And you know how the wingers are going on about Clinton and "It wasn't the sex in the oval office, it was the lying!" especially now in light of Newtie's confession.
So, let me get this straight. :sarcasm: Clinton deserves to get nailed to a rightwing cross for lying and semi-adultery, both of which are prohibited in the ten commandments that the wingnuts want tattooed on everyone's forehead, forearm, or foreskin, take your pick. Bill Clinton goes on television and confesses, goes to his spiritual advisor and confesses, but that's not good enough for forgiveness. Not only does he stick with his wife, but she sticks with him, standing up for those oh-so-precious family values.
Now, ol' Newtie goes through three wives (so far) and treats at least two of 'em like dirt. Serves divorce papers on one while she's being treated for cancer, and has an affair with #3 while still married to #2 -- and while crucifying (pun intended) the aforementioned Mr. Clinton. Yet because Newt confesses to Dr. Dobson, Newt's sin is washed away. How does that happen??????
Oh, the hypocrisy!
It's not "cheap grace" at all, because it isn't "grace" at all. It's hypocrisy, pure and simple. If you're "right" with the "right," you can do whatever the fuck you want. And if you ain't "right" with the "right," you're screwed. (Or screwn, depending on the screwer.)
Karla Faye Tucker breaks the commandment about killing, but no amount of confession, redemption, rehabilitation, none of that worked to get her a reprieve. Because it's not the sin, it's the sinner!
Ted Haggard? Remember him? Guilty of moral lapses and gay sex, and it's gonna take years to heal him. Oh, contraire! /sic/ Heavy praying and he's healed straight in three weeks! (Because if he isn't, then the power of prayer ain't all it's cracked up to be, and he better be "straightened" out or "christian" folks might get the idea that gayness isn't such a sin after all.)
Same thing with Mary cheeeeeeeeney and Bay Buchanan. If they were, say, Christie Gephardt, they'd be filthy perverts, damned-to-hell for their "choice" of lifestyle. But it's okay for Mary cheeeeeeney to be gay, because. . .. because. . . . . because she's Mary cheeeeeeney!
There is no "cheap grace" for people like that because they don't need it. They are, in fact, without sin, no matter what they do. IOKIYAR. It's okay if you're a repuke. It's okay if you're one of the conservative elite. If you aren't, well, then you'll go to hell.
Hypocrites all. Lying sacks of shit all. Two-faced, double-standarded wastes of protoplasm. I hate them all.
Tansy Gold