The Orcinus blog has an amazing roundup of
eliminationist hate speech from our moral betters.
They are arranged by categories of eliminationism, namely: Expressing a desire or a demand for extermination, removal, or infliction of harm; identification of opponents with national enemies; identification of opponents as a target for retaliation or incarceration; expressing a desire for or approval of genocide or murder; identification with vermin or disease. Some of these overlap, and in some instances I found instances that reflected all of the above.
We dirty hippies really ought to look in the mirror and ask ourselves why we can't live up to the high standards of the righteous right.
You simply must click the link above and share it with your friends -- especially your Republican friends, if you have any. Chock full of horrible hate speech from the opinion leaders of the official party of Jesus and American Values.
Hey, the liberal light is always on at the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Please stop by and say "hi!"