If you don't, they will either expose your crimes or destroy you. You have to treat failure with kid gloves, so you don't destroy their ability to go out and run a new scam.
If you take a guy who had everything and prosecute him, he's gonna be understandably pissed off and may lash out at the 'friends' who hired him who have since abandoned him and the accused may feel he has something to share with the media or prosecutors.
So, they give each other medals and give glowing speeches while kicking someone to the curb who has become impossible for the administration to retain.
Imagine if they had thrown Tenet under the bus for the baked Iraqi Intel...the Yellowcake Forgery would have been on page 1 of the Times a day later.
And if someone does get prosecuted - like Libby - the promise of a pardon will keep you quiet, lest you piss the prez off and blow your pardon.
Honor among thieves is the only way you can run a cabal.
The Dems can't do a thing about it...Too many pro-war Dems and LIEbermans for that.