Prepare to Mount a Concerted Attack on Regulation
By Carrie Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 12, 2007; Page A02
Call it the end of the post-Enron era.
A major anti-regulatory offensive culminates this week with a one-two punch thrown by Washington and Wall Street's most moneyed institutions, as the Treasury Department convenes a star-studded meeting tomorrow and the nation's largest business lobby issues its own call to action a day later.
At the top of the agenda are ways to "secure America's competitiveness."
Translation: Burdensome rules, costly litigation and hard-nosed prosecutors are killing U.S. companies.
Five years after debacles at Enron and WorldCom ushered in the Sarbanes-Oxley law and forced companies to spend more to detect fraud, the campaign to shake off government watchdogs again is in full swing.
Industry is presenting its wish list. The key requests are to streamline corporate rules, dial back on cases against business in favor of going after individual employees, and impose new limits on investor lawsuits.
But the months-long effort is peaking at an inopportune moment for advocates of the drive to repeal corporate accountability legislation.