This nightmare all started in Florida in 2000 with the theft of American democracy. They systematically destroyed the American dream, the American good name, and corrupted American politics making it equivalent to a third world rogue regime. They illegally invaded a sovereign nation, squandered hundreds of billions of dollars, tens of thousands of American soldiers, and committed the ultimate crime of outing one of our covert agents, and continue to spew lies to cover it all up. It ends with FLORIDA-
F ailed L eadership O f R epublicans I n D emocratic A merica
How anyone could trust any republican heretofore is beyond me. Republicans are still dumbstruck with how this all has played out. They have lost nearly everything they waited so long to gain, power, respect, integrity. Gone!
They closed their eyes to the theft of the election in Florida in 2000. It was so sweet to have taken control after so long, they would not be able to see the death of democracy, even though it was slapping them in the face!
Then, 9/11. Oh glory! The motherlode! Coincidence? Not hardly.
It started with a grand effort to oust the Taliban in Afghanistan, although they knew 17 of the 19 hijackers hailed from Saudi Arabia, then, quickly migrated to Iraq....the target.
Objective achieved! Send in the troops! Shock and Awe! Sit back and receive the cheers and kudos for liberating the Iraqi people!
But something happened on the way to glory. The cheers? Where were they? The glory? Didn't we accomplish the mission? Not quite. When you take down a dictator, you have to plan for the aftermath. But, plans were a pesky detail that Dick Cheney thought would fall into place. Okay, then just tell them lies. Rinse. Repeat.
It didn't work. And here we are. Now, who is going to take responsibility? Who will take the fall? Is it that hard to see? Who is reponsible for the war in Iraq? Bush and CHeney. The only true resolution is impeachment and conviction. But, the republicans aren't ready to fade back into obscurity. It's their last stand......and they will lose......again!