Aren't America's cattle producing enough bullshit?
Do we need it from the
three major parties: Democrat, Republican, and Connecticut for Lieberman?
While no Democrats were behind this official statement, Claire McCaskill was cited as its inspiration (let us hope, inaccurately):
"In the last election, the voters said they were sick of the partisanship that produces gridlock."
Shouldn't there be some expectation that popular narratives told and retold by the MSM and politicians have an ounce of truth to them?
No one fucking said they were "sick of the partisanship that produces gridlock." They said they were sick of the partisans that produced the Iraq War clusterfuck.
Sick of gridlock!? Gridlock is a massive upgrade from the Rubber-stamp Republican Congress. So sayeth
Bill Maher:
...when they say, "Democrats are obstructionists," you say, "You're welcome." Sometimes, good people have to intercede to prevent dire consequences. You wouldn't like to think of me as an obstructionist, but what if Roseanne had offered to sing?
So I would be happy to frame this debate as a fight between the obstructionists and the enablers. There's your talking point. Vote Republican, and you vote to enable George Bush to keep ruling as an emperor. A retarded, child emperor-but an emperor.
Remember those old ads for Calgon bath products: "Take me away!" So far this millennium, the great escape would be a luxurious dip in what used to be called "reality."
Hey, the liberal light is always on at the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Please stop by and say "hi!"