--- When the conniving little PNAC figure-head of the neocon junta,... Bush,... pulls one of his outrageous assaults on the Constitution..... domestic spying,.. crushing habeas corpus... sculpting the judicial system into a Nazi edifice,.. or co-opting Congressional authority for the waging of illegitimate war,...... the little bastard is only working within the political system. He is only going head-to-head with Congress,... the most cowardly organization since F-Troop, democrats included. He is only dealing with the Judicial Dept, already effectively stacked with acceptable nazis. He is only dealing with the "government." But he has not taken on the real source of power in the US,... namely the American people. And the American people do not understand how much power they actually have.
--- The government, the electoral cycle and the political industry run interference for Bush's efforts to turn the USA into the Fourth Reich. He couldn't win a fair fight against the American people and, unfortunately, the American people's supposed democratic representatives are more concerned with their own political careers and bribe-taking, than with doing what they were elected to do. They aren't worth a pint of warm piss. That's why the neocon gameplan is to avoid direct confrontation with the American people until it is "too late" for Constitutional law. They're trying to "boil the frog" by slowly heating the water. The political system affords them that cover,.... and I pray that they will over-extend. I want to see the real showdown.
--- I want Bush to find an excuse to attempt an untoward declaration of martial law,... complete with suspension of elections. I want his corporate and neocon controllers to make the suicidal decision to "go for it" now, because it's now or never. They've never been this close before,.... they must be salivating at the prospect of an oligarchical Dictatorship of the Rich,... so close,... and with only 300 million American citizens standing in the way. I want to see them try it. I really do. Because I want the American people to feel their own actual power once again. If that's what it takes.
--- Any kid who's ever been bullied,... and then turns on the bully and, out of sheer will and determination, beats the crap out of him,... knows exactly what I'm talking about. There is no feeling better than that.
--- First of all, I don't believe that the military will follow Bush down this road. And if they did,.... I don't believe that American soldiers would fire on their fellow American citizens. The Russians wouldn't. And if I'm wrong about that, how many ultra-RW soldiers want to be among the paltry couple hundred thousand that would be sent against an American populace that contains 50 million well-armed citizens? Hell, the NRA alone could whip what's left of the Army and the Marines. (I especially want to see them collecting firearms from the Montana and Idaho survivalist crazies. Volunteers only? Do ya think?)
--- I want to see Governors of the various states telling Bush that their National Guard units will not be joining his attempted takeover. No state police units will be "deputized." I want to see the purveyors of the neocon insanity finally held up to public recrimination, and dealt with as enemies of America,.. because that is what they are.
--- I want to see the American people taking this into their own hands. Government obviously no longer works in the interests of the people, so what else can we do? If government won't fix the problem, then we will.
--- Let's take this fight outside. Let's get the American people involved. Let's see what you've got, you sorry little would-be fuerher,... because you've got nothing. All the power in the corporate gated communities will not help you in the final confrontation. We ain't boiling no goddamned frogs, here,.... Let's see what you got, you nazi SOB. Bring it on.