BLOG | Posted 03/14/2007 @ 3:02pm
How to Handle a Lawless Attorney General
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says he is not going anywhere.
Never mind that he is caught up in the biggest scandal involving a sitting Attorney General since the sordid days of the 192Os.
Never mind that the scandal that plagues Gonzales involves the same sort of concerns about the politicization of the Department of Justice and the federal bureaucracy that ultimately forced Richard Nixon from office in the 197Os.
Never mind that even Republicans are saying the firing of US attorneys who would not agree to launch pre-election prosecutions of Democrats has created "a crisis with the Justice Department"--to borrow a phrase from conservative Nevada Senator John Ensign--while Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are beginning to echo the assessment of New York Senator Charles Schumer ☼, who says that Gonzales has engaged in an "unprecedented breach of trust and abuse of power."
Never mind that Schumer well sums of the crisis when he says that Gonzales has "either forgotten the oath he took to uphold the Constitution or doesn't understand that his duty to uphold the law is greater than his duty to protect the president."
Never mind that Schumer and a growing number of senators and presidential candidates have called on Gonzales to step down. ....(more)
The complete piece is at: