Below is a transcript of the Generals conversation with bush in 02 about going to war in Iraq. I've edited the conversation slightly to emphasize reality.
- I heard you were a fucking idiot but if you intend to attack Iraq because some tinhorn dictator dissed your daddy you better ensure you have enough manpower to do the job right the first time or we will be bogged down over there for years and years. - Not true General. I've surrounded myself with the most brilliant military minds and strategists on the planet, wolfowitz, perle, daffy duck, limbaugh, rumsfeld, cheney, porky pig, hannity, coulter, paris hilton and probably the most brilliant of them all, bill krystol and they tell me otherwise. We can do it small and on the cheap. We'll be greeted as liberators. Why would I take the advice of a four star general who has more then 30 years experience with the Army about a military matter involving the Army he commands? Just check my track record General, I've been making brilliant decisions my whole life. Now go retire. The End!