Joe "Not a Democrat" Lieberman said...">Lieberman Statement on the Nomination of Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General
"In this case, I’ve met with Judge Gonzales. I've reviewed his record throughout his career. I'm familiar with his life story. I’ve reviewed the proceedings before the Judiciary Committee -- the comments made by many on the Committee in explaining their votes, as well as Judge Gonzales’ testimony there. I have concluded that this nominee deserves to be confirmed and, therefore, I will vote to confirm the nominee.
I need not labor on the details of the first three points: knowledge, experience and qualifications, judgment and personal behaviors, and nominee’s ethics. I believe that this nominee, as everyone has said, including those who are opposed the nomination, has a remarkable life story that speaks to his strength, to his balance, to his values. He has acted under pressure and gives me the confidence that he would do the same as Attorney General. He has spoken quite eloquently in his testimony before the Judiciary Committee that he understands that his first accountability as Attorney General will be to the Constitution and to the people of this country. "