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****Obama, Clinton: Homosexuality is not Immoral *****

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rhombus Donating Member (678 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 03:00 PM
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****Obama, Clinton: Homosexuality is not Immoral *****
Sen. Barack Obama, through a campaign spokesman:

"“As the New York Times reported today, I do not agree with General Pace that homosexuality is immoral. Attempts to divide people like this have consumed too much of our politics over the past six years.”

HRC: Homosexuality Is Not Immoral

Appearing on Bloomberg News, Sen. Hillary Clinton:

"Well I've heard from a number of my friends and I've certainly clarified with them any misunderstanding that anyone had, because I disagree with General Pace completely. I do not think homosexuality is immoral. But the point I was trying to make is that this policy of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is not working. I have been against it for many years because I think it does a grave injustice to patriotic Americans who want to serve their country. And so I have called for its repeal and I'd like to follow the lead of our allies like, Great Britain and Israel and let people who wish to serve their country be able to join and do so. And then let the uniform code of military justice determine if conduct is inappropriate or unbecoming. That's fine. That's what we do with everybody. But let's not be eliminating people because of who they are or who they love."

Don't be so quick to condemn Hillary or Barack. Both of them have very strong records of fighting for civil rights for all. They have worked for years in the trenches. So give them a chance. Its understandable to be upset over the way they initially responded, but I think they genuinely wanted to shift the line of question and blame back to Gen. Pace's position and statements on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

:loveya: :patriot:
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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 03:05 PM
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1. I agree that neither of them actually believes homosexuality is immoral....
Edited on Thu Mar-15-07 03:05 PM by marmar
but I'm so tired of them being so damned afraid of their own fucking shadows that they couldn't come out and say "no" as a reflex response. I don't know what political damage they think they would have suffered by just answering 'no," even if it was a bullshit slimeball question. Stop walking on goddam eggshells!
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William769 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 03:08 PM
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2. Very good advice.
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mitchtv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 03:52 PM
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3. the issue is OVER to me
all you people trashing good Dems can stop.Promote your own candidates . Be positive about all Dem candidates.
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