When school started in September one of Matts LaClairs' teachers started the year off by diving into Creationism/Dominionism. On the 3rd day Matt recorded the teacher's "sermon". Later in October, a meeting was held with the Principal, the teacher David Paszkiewicz, Matt & Paul LaClair. During the meeting Matt cited dozens of quotes of the teacher, Paszkiewicz denied everything. Matt then produced Audio CD's he had burned of the "Sermonizing".
Matt LaClair.Later on Paszkiewicz publicly portrays the meeting with the Principal falsely. If you get into trouble because you were recorded one time, what are the odds you would be recorded again ? Right, Matt had recorded the meeting with the Principal. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Paszkiewicz lied.
Lying in order to do Gods work is a basic tenent of Dominionism. D. James Kennedy, Pastor of Coral Ridge Ministries, calls on his followers to exercise "godly dominion ... over every aspect ... of human society." At a "Reclaiming America for Christ" conference in February, 2005, Kennedy said:
Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society. http://www.theocracywatch.org/I included lots of links to backgroundinfo , video & the MP3 of the teacher sermonizing in class at KOS, I didnt want to reformat the whole diary, so please read more at KOS: