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"If It's Sunday, It's Still Conservative"-- David Brock

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 05:32 PM
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"If It's Sunday, It's Still Conservative"-- David Brock
Edited on Thu Mar-15-07 05:35 PM by babsbunny

Dear Friend,

If you haven't had a chance to view our new report -- "If It's Sunday, It's Still Conservative" -- now is the time. The report documents how the right continues to dominate the Sunday talk shows.

As I write this email, thousands have agreed to stand up to the imbalanced debate occurring every Sunday morning on the influential network political talk shows. That number is growing by the hour.

» View the report & take action!

The Sunday morning shows are not as eager to respond. Media Matters has yet to hear directly from the Sunday shows or the networks. Even the press is getting the cold shoulder, with some reports claiming "epresentatives for Meet the Press and Face the Nation would not comment on the report's findings" and others claiming the networks are dismissing Media Matters' findings.

That's why we need your help today. You, and people like you, can get us one step closer to fair and equitable coverage on the Sunday shows. Please click here to view Media Matters for America's new report and take action.

Since the report's release, we've had a tremendous response. Many high-profile blogs have highlighted our findings, and Paul Waldman, a Media Matters Senior Fellow and the report's principal author, has appeared on multiple radio programs to discuss the alarming disparity the report documents.

» View the report & take action!

We've also had several members of Congress join our fight, including Reps. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH).

Here's some of what they had to say:

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) -- "When network news shows favor one political point of view over others, the American people are cheated out of an open, honest, and fair discussion. My colleagues and I will be appealing directly to the major networks ..."

Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) -- "This report sheds light on a serious problem, and that's making sure that the American public has the chance to hear opposing voices on the national debates under way in Washington, and at home, that affect their lives."

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) -- "The findings of Media Matters' recent study demonstrate a widespread problem with the media. ... The Sunday shows serve as town hall meetings for the American public and Democratic and progressive voices should be fairly and equitably represented in those debates."

Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) -- "Today's report from Media Matters reveals the disproportionately large presence conservatives have had on Sunday morning news programs for years. It is a reality that hasn't changed, even after the establishment of new Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress."

Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) -- "Sunday talk shows play an important role in our nation's political discourse. News broadcasters should provide balanced viewpoints as they inform millions of Americans about politics and government."

Providing equitable access to progressive points of view is critical for the future of our national debate. So if you haven't already, I urge you to take a moment to review our report and take action. Together, we can force these influential shows to respond and make the necessary changes we seek.

» View the report & take action!

Thank you again for your continued support and dedication.


David Brock,
President & CEO
Media Matters for America

P.S. You can see who is talking about Media Matters for America and hear radio interviews about our report by clicking here!

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lwcon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 06:29 PM
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1. I'm in -- K&R
Just saw the note about this at Digbys blog:


Hey, the liberal light is always on at the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Please stop by and say "hi!"
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