Today Rep. Dennis Kucinich defied Speaker Nancy Pelosi and put the Impeachment of
George W. Bush "on the table" where it urgently belongs. Kucinich said,
"This week the House Appropriations committee removed language from the Iraq war
funding bill requiring the Administration, under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of
the Constitution, to seek permission before it launched an attack against Iran.
Since war with Iran is an option of this Administration and since such war is
patently illegal, then impeachment may well be the only remedy which remains to stop
a war of aggression against Iran."
Of course speaking about impeachment is not the same as introducing Articles of
Impeachment. But Kucinich is stepping into a firestorm of opposition from the
corporate media and his own party's leadership - and needs our support to keep him
Please thank Rep. Dennis Kucinich for speaking out on impeachment - and ask him to
make his remarks real by introducing Articles of Impeachment:
202-225-5871 more of Kucinich's speech in "The Ides of March" by Cindy Sheehan: On Wednesday night, Kucinich spoke with a group of citizens about Iran and
impeachment. Here's video: also highly recommend this new video of an impeachment workshop with Mimi
Kennedy, John Nichols, Antonia Juhasz, David Swanson, and Tim Carpenter: