Hard Look at Fred Thompson
With the rest of the top tier of the Republican field flip-flopping all over the place on the issue of choice, some observers on the right have looked to Fred Thompson to get into the race and play the role of the "solid conservative."
According to the National Journal, Thompson's conservative credentials are far from clear.
"In 1994, the National Review described Thompson as "pro-choice," although he didn't vote that way in the Senate. As a former prosecutor, Watergate counsel, and trial lawyer, he opposed tort reform legislation in the 1990s. Thompson is a staunch supporter of McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation to curtail soft money. He does not oppose a guest-worker program for certain immigrants. He opposes gay marriage but, like McCain, would leave the issue up to individual states."
So Fred Thompson would face the same dilemma as the rest of the Republican field. Flipping from the mainstream position on issues to please the conservative base, and then having to convince the rest of America that despite the fact that he has changed his positions to please the far-right, he really isn't beholden to them.
They don't have much done on Thompson yet, but they have good pages on others.
Romney Concedes Smooth Talking WaysAnd John McCain and his so called Straight Talk.
In the Tank or Under the Bus. Also Rudy Giuliani
The Rudy You Don't KnowAnd more here.
GOP 08 Watch