Edited on Sat Mar-17-07 10:36 PM by NanceGreggs
A Little Matter By Nancy Greggs
As of this writing, there are over 3200 American troops dead in Iraq. For those of you who still support this war, WHEN WILL IT MATTER? Will it only matter when it is your own daughter, your own brother, your own best friend who comes home in a casket? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER when it’s someone else’s child, instead of your own?
Over 600,000 Iraqis have lost their lives in Bush’s War of Choice. For those who think we’re doing the right thing by the people we have supposedly ‘liberated’, WHEN WILL IT MATTER? What is the number of dead, maimed, orphaned that will cause you to concede that there is no victory to be had here, nothing to be won when an entire nation is on the losing end of this president’s incompetence? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER when it’s someone on the other side of the world whose nation is being systematically destroyed?
Our troops have been sent into combat without body armor, vehicle armor, helmet inserts, and other life-saving equipment. They are being redeployed to the battlefield with physical injuries, as well as psychological problems caused by what they have seen, what they have done, and what they are still being encouraged to do. When they arrive home with injuries sustained in battle, they are sent to ill-equipped treatment facilities and entangled in red tape that prevents them from accessing the financial resources necessary to go on with their lives. WHEN WILL IT MATTER that the very people who are fighting this war are being short-changed on every level? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER that the people who lay claim to ‘Supporting the Troops’ are the same people who are ensuring that support is not available?
This president and his administration have repeatedly lied to the American people about WMDs in Iraq, the so-called successes we are allegedly having there, the outing of covert operatives investigating potential threats against our country, and have hidden behind the cry of national security to cover up everything from illegal wiretaps to ‘secret’ meetings involving policies on energy pricing. WHEN WILL IT MATTER that the very people you entrusted to look after the country’s best interests have been caught lying again and again? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER that the failure to be truthful is destroying our democracy?
Due to the policies of this administration, and the support of its rubber-stamping party members, our country has ignored the illegal use of secret prisons, and has sanctioned the use of torture. WHEN WILL IT MATTER that our government has now accepted and made lawful the very things we once most abhorred about other nations that we once called uncivilized and not worthy of respect? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER that we, the Beacon of Democracy are now no better than the enemies we once criticized?
Throughout the tenure of George W. Bush and his cohorts, we have seen our freedoms eroded by signing statements, by a lack of traditional oversight, by a failure of the checks-and-balances between branches of government meant to safeguard our democracy, our Constitution, our rights. WHEN WILL IT MATTER that such fundamental things have been trifled with, circumvented, done away with altogether? WHY DOESN’T IT MATTER that these things have already been done, and continue to be done by those who swore to protect the very things they now destroy with such abandon?
WHEN WILL IT MATTER? When will all of the things that have happened, that are happening now, and that will happen in future that are detrimental to our country, its citizens, and the citizens of the world MATTER to those who see it, hear it, know it – and still ignore its impact, its significance, and its consequences?
If it DOESN’T IT MATTER NOW, maybe it will matter when you wake up one morning and find YOUR job outsourced, YOUR relative shipped states-side in a body-bag, YOUR health care coverage gone when you’re stricken with an illness, YOUR insurance cancelled when your home is destroyed by disaster, YOUR vote not counted, YOUR voice not heard, YOUR opinion dismissed as subversive clap-trap, YOUR phone wire-tapped, YOUR mail opened, YOUR choice of library books questioned, YOUR rights and freedoms GONE.
If it doesn’t MATTER NOW, and only matters THEN, maybe you should start thinking about WHAT REALLY MATTERS – before it’s too late to matter at all.